Monday, October 24, 2011

5 and 7 year Well Checks

The boys had their annual well checks this month! Both growing and doing well! They couldn't be more opposite in their measurements! Andrew is my little guy, 25th % for his height and only the 15th% for his weight. He's growing right along his growth curve though so he's doing well! Connor is my big guy! He's in the 75th% for height and 80th% for weight, also growing along his growth curve and his weight for height percentile is within normal range! YAY!

Andrew had 2 shots at this visit. He was so sad....I mean REALLY sad. He sobbed and sobbed before and after. He continued to sob in the car on the way home and when you asked him about his shots or how he was feeling, he would sob again. Not a hysterical cry, just a really sad cry. Heartbreaking. We opted out of the flu shots for all 3 kids this year. Did not want a repeat of last year where they each got progressively more hysterical as each kid got their shot. We'll take our chances with the flu! Here are the boys on the exam table....gowns and all! LOL!


Just had to post this! We took the kids to the museum last weekend downtown and then after we ate at Alice Cooperstown. The kids have been there before and they love the atmosphere. They also have seen people eating the giant 2 foot hotdog and they wanted to try it for themselves! When someone orders one, they ring a bell and make a big deal out of it. Our 3 kids shared one and almost at the entire thing! HUGE!

Schnepf Farm

Schnepf Farm is one of our yearly fall traditions. We had such a fun time this year at the pumpkin patch! We went later in the day this time, which I think we will do from now on! We rode the rides, ate yummy chili for dinner, watched the shows (this year they had a BMX bike show that was WAY cool) and rode the haunted train! Usually we go in the morning and the train is NOT haunted. This time it was dark and spooky! The kids got a kick out of it, especially Connor. Taylor covered her eyes most of the time but she still is talking about the scary train. LOL! Poor Andrew cried because he thought the scary guys in costumes were real (bad mommy). It was actually pretty scary. Even Bryan jumped a few times! I just LOVE Halloween!

30 weeks!

Well I took my 3 hour glucose test and PASSED....thank goodness! With Thanksgiving coming up and the entire yummy month of December, it would have been such a struggle to stick to a diabetic diet!

I also had my third trimester ultrasound this week. It was so cool to see my little man again! He sure is growing! From the 3D pictures we saw, I think he looks a lot like Andrew did as a baby! We'll see! I am measuring just a tiny bit ahead, he was 3 pounds 4 oz give or take a few oz. My due date will stay the same though since the most accurate ultrasound is the very first one for dates back when I was only 8 weeks along.

I'm so glad Bryan was at the appointment. He asked a million questions about the baby to the ultrasound tech.....which I am kind of chicken to do because frankly, I don't know if I really want to know! Just the thought of something being wrong, scares the crap out of me. He asked her to take a closer look at Evan's organs, mainly the adrenals, kidneys and liver. The tech was SO sweet and understanding of our situation. Our baby Nolan's cancer started in the adrenals and spread to the liver, causing his kidneys to fail. The tech called in the perinatalogist herself. The doctor finished the ultrasound by thoroughly scanning all of his organs. No masses, no abnormalities. What a relief. I'm so glad I know that he's totally healthy with no signs of cancer. The only thing she found was that my cervix is starting to efface! AHHH! This never happened with any of my other babies. It's not severe.....I think the cervix length is supposed to be around 3 cm at this point in the pregnancy, mine is 2.3. Good thing I'm not working! The perinatalogist said there is a 99% chance that I will go full term since none of my other babies were early. I just need to take it easy and follow up with my ob. 8-9 more weeks! Hoping to get this baby out at 38 weeks, just before Christmas!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

28 weeks and counting!

Yay! Officially in the third trimester! So far this pregnancy has gone very smoothly. I definitely feel more worn out and achy though, maybe a sign of my age! I didn't feel like this with Connor when I was 22. It has just progressively gotten harder with each pregnancy and now with this baby being my 5th, it's been very difficult on my body. I'm only 29.....I can't imagine doing this at 40 or even 35!

We are so excited to meet our little boy. His room is complete, it's theme is firetrucks. We've bought some clothes and my new Ergo Baby carrier.....very excited to use it! Now we are just waiting on him to hurry up and grow! LOL!

I had my glucose test a couple weeks ago. Just found out I FAILED. It's okay though, I have never passed the 1 hour test before. I always have to take the dreaded 3 hour test. Eww. I have it scheduled for next weeks so I hope I pass. It would be extremly hard to give up sweets and other yummy food! Of course, I would do it if I had to though!

I also asked my doctor if I could have another ultrasound just to put my mind at ease. My doctor is awesome. He wrote me the referral, no questions asked. I go to a high risk perinatalogist for my ultrasounds. The imaging is amazing and they always give me some extra 3d pictures. I can't wait to see him and how big he's getting! He feels like he's getting so big and SO strong. It never gets old feeling him kicking. He's a super active little guy. I felt him flip last week to a breech position and for two days I was getting kicked in the butt/cervix. That wasn't so pleasant. Thankfully a few days later I felt him flip again. I can feel his feet up high once again! Hopefully he will stay put in that position, not that it matters because I'm having a c-section anyway but for my own comfort, I like him head down!

Ultrasound pictures coming soon!!

October Break!

Daddy's girl on the Out of Africa Safari
Holding a parrot! FUN!

Watching the Tiger Splash show
Our family!
Making Spooky Halloween Pizzas
Playing at Airworks with our good friends Gavin and Graham!

Swinging at Tumbleweed Park!

I love having my kids home from school and I love that they get 2 and 1/2 weeks to enjoy in October instead of having a longer summer. The weather has been SO nice and we've been spending tons of time outdoors. Last week on Tuesday we spent the day with some friends from Connor's school. We went to Airworks and played at McDonalds. Wednesday we met my sister at the zoo with her kids. Thursday, I had my niece and nephew over to play. We made crafts, went to the park and played Donkey Kong on the Wii. Nice and relaxing! On Friday we met up with Grandma and went to Scottsdale mall for some shopping. The kids always love going to the mall for some reason. Fine by me because I LOVE the mall too!! Over the weekend we drove up to Out of Africa. We had never been there before. It was a lot of fun. We saw lots of exotic animals up close, went on a little safari and watched some shows. The weather up in Verde Valley was nice and cool. Such a nice family outing!

This is the second week of October break. On Sunday we decorated the house for Halloween. Poor Andrew was sick and wasn't up for helping us much. We saved a few special things for him to do on Monday morning when he felt better (and Taylor was sick). We also decorated some small pumpkins that day and took the boys to the doctor for their well checks. Poor Drew had shots that day. Such a sad day for him. He cried quietly all the way home in the back of the car. My poor guy. By Tuesday, everyone finally started to feel better. We met grandma at Tumbleweed park and ended up seeing a few friends there as well!! I had my 28 week check up that afternoon so the kids went home with grandma and I got to go by myself. That was kind of a treat because I usually have at least one kid with me at all times! Wednesday was another busy day! We drove to Casa Grande to meet up with all of our old friends. It was so nice to see everyone again and it was amazing to see how much all of the kids have grown since we've seen them last (over the summer). We miss them all very much and NEED to get together more often! We practically raised our kids together since they were babies. It would be neat if they remained friends for life!! Now it's Thursday and October break is starting to get a little old. LOL! It's Connor's turn to be sick. Woke up with a fever just like the other two had. Hopefully it will be just a 24 hour bug like the other kids had. We made banana muffins together. I have been cleaning all day while Andrew and Taylor play. Poor Connor has been on the couch all day. I HATE when my kids are sick. We are planning to meet up with a friend tomorrow to play so hopefully he feels better!! Kids return to school next Wednesday. Hoping to stay just as busy for the remainder of the break! Pictures to come soon!!